People who feel depressed tend to dwell on the past. But depression often shows up with regret, shame, and low opinions of ourselves, which means that the past isn’t staying in the past, but contaminating our present.
As a result, our future is affected, too, since it’s hard to muster the energy to act in your future self’s best interests when the world seems dark and gloomy even on a bright, sunny morning. (Not surprisingly, anxiety about the future often accompanies depression.)
As with any emotional difficulty, depression exists for a good reason: to get you to pay attention to something you’ve been overlooking.
It could be an unhealed wound or a need that isn’t being met.
It could stem from beliefs about yourself or the world that don’t serve you, but you don’t even realize you have because you’ve carried them for so long. Or it could be something else.
In our sessions, we’ll peel back the layers of this onion together, until we arrive at the unique root causes of your depression.
Therapy for Depression
We’ll adjust our approach depending on whether you’re more initially oriented to thoughts, emotions, or physical sensations. We can employ a variety of traditional and mindfulness-based therapy techniques, as well as hypnosis, if we think that seems like a good option.
Clues will emerge in our sessions that will point us toward areas to explore. Those explorations will lead us to ideas for “experiments” for you to try at home.
They might involve meditating, writing, listening to a song, having a conversation, trying a new activity, or countless other things.
Together, we’ll figure out what’s weighing you down, and unload it, so your natural buoyancy can emerge and carry you into years of brighter tomorrows.